
Here you find a list of our most recent publications that are related to QBlade. All of this work has been authored by one or more members of our team.


D. v. d. Berg, D. d. Tavernier, D. Marten, J. Saverin, J.-W. v. Wingerden, 2024, “Wake Mixing Control For Floating Wind Farms: Analysis of the Implementation of the Helix Wake Mixing Strategy on the IEA 15-MW Floating Wind Turbine“, IEEE Control Systems, Vol 44, Issue 5, pp.81-105

W. Collier, D. Ors, T. Barlas, F. Zahle, P. Bortolotti, D. Marten, C. S. L. Jensen, E. Branlard, D. Zalkind, K. Lønbæk, 2024, “Aeroelastic code comparison using the IEA 22MW reference turbine”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2767, 5, 052042

Y. E. Tohamy, U. Giger, D. Marten, H. Schulte, 2024, “Multi-Rotor Wind Turbine Control: Strategies for Pitch Replacement and Mechanical Load Mitigation”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2767, 3, 032015

F. Papi, G. Troise, R. Behrens de Luna, J. Saverin, S. Perez-Becker, D. Marten, M.-L. Ducasse, A. Bianchini, 2024, “Quantifying the impact of modeling fidelity on different substructure concepts – Part 2: Code-to-code comparison in realistic environmental conditions“, Wind Energy Science, 9, 981–1004

R. Behrens de Luna, S. Perez-Becker, J. Saverin, D. Marten, F. Papi, M.-L. Ducasse, Félicien Bonnefoy, A. Bianchini, C. O. Paschereit, 2024, “Quantifying the impact of modeling fidelity on different substructure concepts for floating offshore wind turbines – Part 1: Validation of the hydrodynamic module QBlade-Ocean“, Wind Energy Science, 9, 623–649


R. Behrens de Luna, S. Perez-Becker, J. Saverin, D. Marten, F. Papi, M.-L. Ducasse, Félicien Bonnefoy, A. Bianchini, C. O. Paschereit, 2023, “Verifying QBlade-Ocean: A Hydrodynamic Extension to the Wind Turbine Simulation Tool QBlade“, Wind Energy Science Discussions, Preprint

F. Papi, G. Troise, R. Behrens de Luna, J. Saverin, S. Perez-Becker, D. Marten, M.-L. Ducasse, A. Bianchini, 2023, “A Code-to-Code Comparison for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Simulation in Realistic Environmental Conditions: Quantifying the Impact of Modeling Fidelity on Different Substructure Concepts“, Wind Energy Science Discussions, Preprint

R. Bergua, A. Robertson, J. Jonkman, E. Branlard, A. Fontanella, M. Belloli, P. Schito, A. Zasso, G. Persico, A. Sanvito… , D. Marten et al., 2023, “OC6 Project Phase III: Validation of the Aerodynamic Loading on a Wind Turbine Rotor Undergoing Large Motion Caused by a Floating Support Structure“, Wind Energy Science, 8(4), 465–485

S. Cioni, F. Papi, L. Pagamonci, A. Bianchini, N. Ramos-Garcia, G. Pirrung, D. Marten, C. Molins, R. Bergua, E. Branlard, J. Jonkman, A. Robertson et al., 2023, “On the characteristics of the wake of a wind turbine undergoing large motions caused by a floating structure: an insight based on experiments and multi-fidelity simulations from the OC6 Phase III Project“, Wind Energy Science Discussions, Preprint


F. Papi, A. Bianchini, G. Troise, G. M. Mirra, D. Marten, J. Saverin, R. B. de Luna, M. L. Ducasse, J. Honnet, 2022, “FLOATECH D2.4 Full report on the estimated reduction of uncertainty in comparison to the state-of-the-art codes OpenFAST and DeepLines Wind™“, FLOATECH Deliverable 2.4, Technical Report

S. Perez-Becker, J. Saverin, R. Behrens de Luna, C. Combreau, M.-L. Ducasse, D. Marten, A. Bianchini, 2022, “D2.2. Validation Report of QBlade-Ocean“, FLOATECH Deliverable, Technical Report

R. Behrens de Luna, D. Marten, T. Barlas, S. G. Horcas, N. Ramos-García, A. Li and C. O. Paschereit, 2022, “Comparison of different fidelity aerodynamic solvers on the IEA 10 MW turbine including novel tip extension geometries“, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2265 032002

J. Saverin, 2022, “D1.1. Hybrid EulerianLagrangian Aerodynamic Model“, FLOATECH Deliverable, Technical Report

J. Saverin, S. Perez-Becker, R. Behrens de Luna, D. Marten, J. C. Gilloteaux, R. Kurnia, 2022, “D1.2 Higher Order Hydroelastic Module“, FLOATECH Deliverable, Technical Report

 S. Perez-Becker, R. Behrens de Luna, 2022, “D2.1. AeroHydroElastic Model Definition in QBlade Ocean“, FLOATECH Deliverable, Technical Report


S. Perez-Becker, D. Marten, C. O. Paschereit, 2021, “Active flap control with the trailing edge flap hinge moment as a sensor: using it to estimate local blade inflow conditions and to reduce extreme blade loads and deflections“, Wind Energ. Sci., 6, 791–814

S. Perez-Becker, D. Marten, C. N. Nayeri, C. O. Paschereit, 2021, “Implementation and Validation of an Advanced Wind Energy Controller in Aero-Servo-Elastic Simulations Using the Lifting Line Free Vortex Wake Model“, Energies, 14(3), 783

J. Saverin, 2021, “Multilevel vortex particle method for aerodynamic simulations“, PhD Thesis, TU Berlin

S. Perez-Becker, 2021, “Implementation and Validation of an Advanced Wind Energy Controller in Aero-Servo-Elastic Simulations Using the Lifting Line Free Vortex Wake Model“, PhD Thesis, TU Berlin


D. Marten, 2020, “QBlade: A Modern Tool for the Aeroelastic Simulation of Wind Turbines“, PhD Thesis, TU Berlin

D. Marten, C. O. Paschereit, X. Huang, M. Meinke, W. Schröder, J. Müller, K. Oberleithner, 2020, “Predicting Wind Turbine Wake Breakdown Using a Free Vortex Wake Code“, AIAA Journal, Vol.58, No.11, November 2020

J. Saverin, D. Marten, C. N. Nayeri, C. O. Paschereit, 2020, “Advances Toward a Lightweight, Variable Fidelity Wake Simulation Tool“, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1618 052070

S. Perez-Becker, F. Papi, J. Saverin, D. Marten, A. Bianchini, C, O. Paschereit, 2020, “Is the Blade Element Momentum theory overestimating wind turbine loads? – An aeroelastic comparison between OpenFAST’s AeroDyn and QBlade’s Lifting-Line Free Vortex Wake method“, Wind Energy Science, 5, 721–743


J. Saverin, D. Marten, C. N. Nayeri, C. O. Paschereit, 2019, “Simulation of Multiple Turbine Aerodynamic Interaction using a Multilevel Method“, AIAA 2019-1574

M. Lennie, S. Dominin, D. Marten, G. Pechlivanoglou, C. O. Paschereit, 2019, “Development of Ice Throw Model for Wind Turbine Simulation Software QBlade“, AIAA 2019-1800

D. Marten, M. Lennie, G. Pechlivanoglou, C. O. Paschereit, A. Bianchini, G. Ferrara, L. Ferrari, 2019, “Benchmark of a Novel Aero-Elastic Simulation Code for Small Scale VAWT Analysis“, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Apr 2019, 141(4): 041014

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