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QBlade Forum

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News and AnnouncementsForum Rules, News, Release Info12 Topics · 16 PostsLast post: How to close the aerodynamic calcu … · 2 days ago · David
Feature RequestsPost any ideas for useful features10 Topics · 26 PostsLast post: Applying dynamic load or displacem … · 9 months ago · David
Airfoil AerodynamicsAirfoil Import, Polar Generation and Export, Polar Extrapolation, XFoil Analysis14 Topics · 82 PostsLast post: Collector Hood and Lift Vertical A … · 1 month ago · David
Rotor AerodynamicsBlade Design, Blade Element Momentum Method, Lifting Line Free Vortex Wake39 Topics · 190 PostsLast post: Validation of VAWT with Sandia 34 · 2 days ago · David
Structural DynamicsStructural Input Files, Substructure Files, Time Integrators, Sensors34 Topics · 160 PostsLast post: Defining the distributed Rayleigh … · 2 months ago · David
HydrodynamicsMorison Equation, Potential Flow, Radiation, Diffraction, 2nd Order, Wamit/Nemoh Import, Substructure Setup, Mooring Lines10 Topics · 38 PostsLast post: Floating barge substructure with m … · 4 days ago · David
Controller IntegrationIntegration of Controller DLL's, Compilation of Controller DLL's, Data Exchange Arrays3 Topics · 14 PostsLast post: The structural model diverged when … · 2 days ago · David
Simulation Setup and EvaluationSimulation Setup, Timestep Size, Data Generation and Storage, Export, Issues31 Topics · 118 PostsLast post: Sim File Giving Different Results … · 1 week ago · David
Wind and Wave GenerationTurbSim Integration, hht Files, Wave Generation, Spectra, Import, Export5 Topics · 12 PostsLast post: Wave Generator (For longer time) · 2 months ago · David
Simulation in Loop (SIL) InterfaceAll question related to QBlade's SIL Interface8 Topics · 29 PostsLast post: Initial offset of turbine position · 1 week ago · David
Bugs and ErrorsErrors, Doubts, Crashes (reproducable?)18 Topics · 65 PostsLast post: The program shuts down on its own · 3 months ago · David
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