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Batch simulation


I am learning the simulation for a VAWT project.  So far, every time I like to change a parameter, say, wind speed, I need to wait for the current simulation finish and “edit” the simulation, then run the simulation again.  Is there a way I can define a set of parameters and let the software get the set of parameters and run the simulation one by one?  So, I just make a “batch” file and let the computer to go through.

Thank you.

Ron Ye

OK, I figured it out.  In the simulation GUI, I can select the Batch process.  See the screen shot.

Ron Ye

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Hi Ron,

indeed, you can use the “Batch From Selected Sim” feature to automaically evaluate a number of simulation inside the GUI.

For more granular control over all simulation settings and the model setup, plus scripting capabilities, you could also use the Software in Loop (SIL) interface of QBlade. This allows you to change simulation parameters of .sim files from inside a script (in Python, Matlab or any other language) and then evaluate the simulations with full control of the simulation loop itself.




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