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Blade Design

Hi David

I would like to ask if there is a built-in optimization model about blade shrinkage in Qblade. For example, I want to import a 22MW turbine and shrink it to a blade of only 0.5m size under a certain leaf element ratio.


Hi Roby,

in the blade design module, when editing a blade, the is a “Scale” button that can be used to scale radius, chord and twist.

Otherwise, I would suggest modifying an ASCII .bld file directly and then reimporting it.



Hi David

Thank you for your reply , i have more question:

I imported an unconventional airfoil by modifying the coordinates of a cylindrical airfoil and performed batch polar processing on it. However, when I attempted polar extrapolation, the following error occurred. Can you explain why this happened and how I can resolve it?


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Hi Roby,

you can oly extrapolate a polar if it contains sufficient data points (at least 10).

In your case, the XFoil analysis did not yield any converged points. This may be due to the geometry of the airfoil. I recommend checking XFoil’s documentation for requirements related to airfoil shape (such as the need for a trailing edge gap, etc.).

If you’re unable to obtain aerodynamic coefficients through XFoil, you might consider importing polar data from other numerical or experimental sources.



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