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Blade thickness Optimization
Quote from Amin Farahmand on 9. June 2023, 20:45Hello lieber Doktor!
Thank you for your work on this efficient software.
Were I ask a question, I would like to know how to determine the thickness of Blade along the wing,
specially for small types (smaller than 10 kw).The “QBlade” software gives a recommended thickness, but I think it should be optimized.
Is there a specific source for that?
The address I already looked at is the webpage:
I’m trying: what does the wing thickness optimization depend on?
could you please help me
BR Amin
Hello lieber Doktor!
Thank you for your work on this efficient software.
Were I ask a question, I would like to know how to determine the thickness of Blade along the wing,
specially for small types (smaller than 10 kw).
The “QBlade” software gives a recommended thickness, but I think it should be optimized.
Is there a specific source for that?
The address I already looked at is the webpage:
I’m trying: what does the wing thickness optimization depend on?
could you please help me
BR Amin