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Data Exports of Steady BEM Simulations

Hello everyone,
im using the steady BEM functionality. I conducted a simulation with “pitch controll” to match a desired power level over varyng wind speeds. Im especially interested in the resulting pitch angles. Is there a possibility to extract this data from the simulation?
Many thanks in advance!


you can export the currently displayed values from any graph by hovering over the graph and right-clicking:

– Copy Data to Clipboard: Copies the numeric data of all curves to the clipboard.
– Export Graph to File: Saves the plotted data in a text file.

Best regards,


Hello David,

I was looking for this topic as I was having I think the same issue as @MHoblitz. I wish to export everything at once from BEM simulation, like one array with columns like WindSpeed, RotorCt, RotorCp, Power, Thrust, Torque etc…

I also noticed that there is no “BEM” menu as they are for the other module (like for example when I am in the “Blade design” module, there is a “Blade design” menu in the top ribbon), and this is where I was looking for the “Export data” option. I actually spent some time looking for it, I even checked an other version of QBlade to see if this was a bug of 2.0.8.

Anyway, I think it would be a very useful feature, and I think many people want to use QBlade to retrieve this Cp,Ct,Cq curves, as it is by far the most straightforward and user friendly.

Best regards,



Hi Maximilien,

you can export steady BEM performance tables in the “Multi BEM” module.

This allows you to not only vary rpm and windspeed, but also the pitch angle.

See the screenshot below.



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