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Font Size: GL View

Hello David,

The “GL View” font size of the turbine definition and turbine simulation modules is quite small and hard to read. Could you please tell me how to change font settings here?

Best regards

Hi Tim,

at present its not possible to change this font size. It is automatically adapted so that the rendered text fits the screen – a larger screen resolution would help.

But you can get the full content of what is being printed on the screen, also for copy/paste, by clicking on the Struct Model Info button in the Turbine Design Module (see the screenshot below).



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TimHH has reacted to this post.

Hi David,

Thanks for your response! I’m glad that this feature was introduced to QBlade. Just a small side note from my end: I would also appreciate if the whole screen information (including hub height and others) could be written to the copy/paste window.

Best regards

Hi again,

Here is a bug report which is related to the printed GL view information, but indepentend from the original font size topic.

The live feed on turbine performance seems to present misleading information. It occasionally even drops to negative power/torque while the graphs show the expected power curve. For a better understanding please consider the attached screenshot.

Best regards

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Hi Tim,

thanks for the report.

However, I have checked this on my side and cannot reproduce this inconsistency.

Whats plotted after Power and Torque are the values from the channels: “Aerodynamic Power [kW]” and “Aerodynamic Torque [Nm]” from the “Aerodynamic Time Graph”. When I compare these values with the on-screen output its consistent. Maybe you can check if this is also the case on your side?

The “Gen. Elec. Power [kW]” channel can potentially be quite different than the pure aerodynamic power, but the case of negative Aero Power and positive Gen. power is rather strange.

If this still persists could you share a project file containing this issue (per mail) so that I can have a closer look?



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