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Generation of windjet inflow


I would like to recreate a wind field that was measured in a 2D plane and use it as an inflow model in QBlade. Specifically, I am trying to simulate a jet-like inflow, as the wind in a (MARIN) basin is generated by fans. Standard wind field models like TurbSim, Mann, or Veers do not accurately represent this scenario.

Would it be possible to convert a time-dependent grid of wind velocities (that are actual measured velocities) into a binary wind field format that QBlade can read? Has anyone attempted this before? I understand that the required format is binary, which makes it less straightforward to implement. Any insights or references would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Emiel,

the best way to get a custom 3D windfield into QBlade is by generating your own .bts file based on the custom wind data.

There is some information and code examples for this on the NREL forum:

Furthermore, the definition of the binary format is found in TurbSim’s users guide on page 22:



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