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Having rouble just generating a simple HAWT


I am unable to generate a design for even a very simple HAWT.  I can get an airofoil section on screen but trying to take the design any further and I get messages like-

Missing objects,

-No HAWT Blade in Database

-No 360 Polar in Database

-No Polar in Database

I do not see an option anywhere to add databases into the project. I have watched all the video tutorials and read the instructions but I am completely at a loss. Please help. I am using QBlade CE v2.0.8.6_beta unix on Ubuntu.



Hello Aaron,

to create a rotor blade design in QBlade, you need both an airfoil object in the database and a 360° polar object.

The 360° polar object is essential because it provides the aerodynamic coefficients required for blade optimization and simulation.

To generate a 360° polar object, you must first simulate or import a polar and then extrapolate it to cover the full 360° range.

The top toolbar in QBlade is structured to reflect this sequential workflow.



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