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How can I export the data for the six degrees of freedom of the platform? (Surge, Sway, Heave, Roll, Pitch, Yaw)
Quote from HJR666 on 31. August 2023, 11:37Hello Mr. David, I have simulated a semi-submersible floating wind turbine using QBlade. However, I couldn’t find the data for the six degrees of freedom of the platform – Surge, Sway, Heave, Roll, Pitch, and Yaw – in the exported simulation results. Could you please guide me on how to export these six sets of data?
Hello Mr. David, I have simulated a semi-submersible floating wind turbine using QBlade. However, I couldn’t find the data for the six degrees of freedom of the platform – Surge, Sway, Heave, Roll, Pitch, and Yaw – in the exported simulation results. Could you please guide me on how to export these six sets of data?
Quote from David on 31. August 2023, 12:41Hello,
the platform DoF’s are found in the “Hydrodynamic Time Graph”. The translational and rotational DoF’s are:
NP Trans. X_g [m], NP Trans. Y_g [m], NP Trans. Z_g [m], NP Roll X_l [deg], NP Pitch Y_l [deg], NP Yaw Z_l [deg]
They can either be exported directly from the graph or with the rest of the simulation data in various formats.
Make sure that you have the “Store Hydrodynamic Data” option activated in the simulation settings so that these values are stored.
the platform DoF’s are found in the “Hydrodynamic Time Graph”. The translational and rotational DoF’s are:
NP Trans. X_g [m], NP Trans. Y_g [m], NP Trans. Z_g [m], NP Roll X_l [deg], NP Pitch Y_l [deg], NP Yaw Z_l [deg]
They can either be exported directly from the graph or with the rest of the simulation data in various formats.
Make sure that you have the “Store Hydrodynamic Data” option activated in the simulation settings so that these values are stored.
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