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IEA15MW Different Results depending on QBLade version


When I updated from version of QBlade to version I am getting different results for the generated electrical power. For a wind speed of 15MW version gives me the expected 15MW, but version gives me approximately 15.66MW, which is higher than the rated turbine power.

I am using the attached turbine definition file in both simulations.

Best regards,

João Muralha


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Hello João,

thanks for letting us know! This is a good observation, and an issue which we were not aware of.

The difference you are seeing is related to the GENEFF parameter, defined in the main structural file.

Between and and I changed how the GENEFF parameter is interpreted and tested this new behavior with the new IEA 22MW reference turbine and the DTU controller. This is all working well, however I now also see the issue you reported with the ROSCO controller for above rated windspeeds.

In the release, the GENEFF parameter was simply multiplied with the mechanical power and then the result is reported as the electrical power.

The modification then treated the GENEFF parameter the same was as the GBOXEFF parameter, which already affects the torque thats reported to the controller itself, and not just the output reported in the graphs. This worked with the DTU controller, since its not using or differentiating between GENEFF and GBOXEFF, in ROSCO however this causes the issue you reported since the ROSCO controller itself includes a “VS_GenEff” parameter.

I will revert this change in the next release. In the meantime, you can replicate the behavior of version in by setting both GENEFF and GBOXEFF to 1.0. You can then manually adjust the “Gen. Elec. Power [W]” output by multiplying it by the original GENEFF parameter value. This adjustment will ensure that the turbine operates at the same setpoint (rpm, pitch, etc.), with the only difference being that the “Gen. Elec. Power [W]” output will reflect ratedPower/GENEFF.



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