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Lift and Drag forces

Hello everyone!

I’m trying to collect data from my own wind turbine. I would need Lift and Drag forces on the y-axis and the radius of the blade on the x-axis but I can not find on the graphs options list what I need. Also, could you explain to me what normal, tangential and radial forces refer to?
I hope to be clear

Thank you so much!


to get lift and drag distributed over the blade you need to set the graph (with a right click on the graph) to “Blade Graph” if you are running a Steady BEM simulation or to “Blade Time Graph” if you are running a time domain simulation.

Normal, tangential and radial forces refer to the “rotor plane” coordinate system. Normal force is defined normal to the rotor plane, radial force along the direction of the blade span and tangential force is defined in the direction of the rotation of the blade (e.g. the force that drives the blaes rotation).



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