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Loads in arm and center pole of VAWT

Could you advise me how I can look at the loads in the arm and the center pole of VAWT?

I can get the distributed loads of each blade from Export Current TurbineSimulation Results as ASCII.

Best Regards,

Hello Kensaku,

you can arbitrarily space sensors along the blades, tower, torquetube or struts. Furthermore, sensors are automatically added at locations where components are connected (for example blade-strut connections).




Dear David,

Thank you for your support.

When “Define Structural Model” is OFF, the sensor cannot be defined?

Can I prepare a structural model for just the sensor?

Best regards,


Hello Kensaku,

for a purely aerodynamic simulation without a structural model sensors cannot be distributed over the model.

Only aerodynamic quantities obtained at the rotor (not at the struts) can be output in such a scenario.



KNunoura has reacted to this post.

Thank you, Devid.

I understand that I cannot know the loads of the structs when “Define Structural Model” is OFF.

In the aerodynamic simulation without a structural model sensors, the effect of the structs is added in the aerodynamic torque of the rotor?

I would like to know if the defined structs give the effect for the aerodynamic torque.



Hi Kensaku,

the aerodynamic loads of the struts are included in the evaluation of torque.

When setting up a simulation with struts you have the option to include either the strut drag only or both lift and drag that the struts generate.

If the latter is chosen wake panels are also shed from the strut trailing edge.



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