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Modelling a substructure only #2

Hi, David!

I am looking for a way to create a simulation with substructure only to be able to compare the natural frequency to the structural software and verify the correctness of my substructure model in QBlade (I understand I cannot use modal analysis in CE, and rightly so) . I found a discussion on this topic here, however when I try to select the substructure file as the main structural input file QBlade shuts down without any error messages.

I am using QBlade CE, the substructure file is in the attachment.

Am I doing something wrong or is this functionality not available in this version?

Thank you very much for your answers, I really appreciate it

Ivan Rigel

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Hi Ivan,

o ensure that your file is recognized as a SUBSTRUCTURE file, it must include the following two keywords:


Since these keywords were not found in your file, QBlade attempted to parse it as the main input file, leading to an unintended crash.

The crash that occurs is of course unintended and I have already fixed this. If you include the two keywords mentioned above your file should be recognized correctly.



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