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Momentary Aerodynamic Torque and Momentary Moment in Z Direction
Quote from KNunoura on 20. November 2023, 06:32Could you please advise me the difference between Momentary Aerodynamic Torque and Momentary Moment in Z Direction?
I would like to know the applied coordinate system for each moment.
Regarding VAWT, it’s the almost same when the slope of the vertical axis is 0 degree.
However, there is the difference when the vertical axis have some slopes.
Best regards,
K. Nunoura
Could you please advise me the difference between Momentary Aerodynamic Torque and Momentary Moment in Z Direction?
I would like to know the applied coordinate system for each moment.
Regarding VAWT, it’s the almost same when the slope of the vertical axis is 0 degree.
However, there is the difference when the vertical axis have some slopes.
Best regards,
K. Nunoura
Quote from David on 20. November 2023, 19:03Hi K. Nunoura,
you are correct, for a VAWT with its shaft paraleel to the Z-Axis both sensors should show the same values.
X, Y, Z here refers to the global coordinate system, which you can visualize when you click on “Coordinate System” in the “Global Visualization Options” in the left Dock Widget.
See the attached Imahe for a view of the global coordinate system.
Hi K. Nunoura,
you are correct, for a VAWT with its shaft paraleel to the Z-Axis both sensors should show the same values.
X, Y, Z here refers to the global coordinate system, which you can visualize when you click on “Coordinate System” in the “Global Visualization Options” in the left Dock Widget.
See the attached Imahe for a view of the global coordinate system.
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Quote from KNunoura on 27. November 2023, 05:17Thank you, David.
As attached file, I made a picture which shows Momentary Moment in Z Direction [Nm] and Momentary Aerodynamics Torque [Nm] in sloped VAWT.
Is this correct?
Thank you, David.
As attached file, I made a picture which shows Momentary Moment in Z Direction [Nm] and Momentary Aerodynamics Torque [Nm] in sloped VAWT.
Is this correct?
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Quote from David on 27. November 2023, 13:14Hello,
your sketch shows the correct coordinate systems. However, please note that the sensors you are using only output the purely aerodynamic moments, projected onto the axes within your sketch.
your sketch shows the correct coordinate systems. However, please note that the sensors you are using only output the purely aerodynamic moments, projected onto the axes within your sketch.