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Optimize feature under blade design
Quote from Sid2028 on 7. November 2024, 21:21Hi, I am using QbladeCE v2.0.7.7. Can someone please give me an in-depth explanation on what the feature is and what its doing behind the scenes to produce blade designs using TSR and the betz/schmitz methods? Thanks.
Hi, I am using QbladeCE v2.0.7.7. Can someone please give me an in-depth explanation on what the feature is and what its doing behind the scenes to produce blade designs using TSR and the betz/schmitz methods? Thanks.
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Quote from David on 8. November 2024, 11:35Hi Sid,
checkout the attached document for an in-depth overview of the chord and twist blade optimization methods.
Hi Sid,
checkout the attached document for an in-depth overview of the chord and twist blade optimization methods.
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