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prescribed motion file of platform
Quote from zsummer on 9. November 2024, 13:25I want to control the dof of the platform through external files, such as turning off a certain dof of the platform or making the float move according to a certain trajectory, but the file in docs doesn’t seem to work, can you tell me how to write the corresponding external file
I want to control the dof of the platform through external files, such as turning off a certain dof of the platform or making the float move according to a certain trajectory, but the file in docs doesn’t seem to work, can you tell me how to write the corresponding external file
Quote from David on 11. November 2024, 13:09Hi,
to prescribe the motion of the floater you can use a prescribed motion file, as detailed in the documentation.
By default, the prescribed motion file applies translation and rotation to the “ground body” within the simulation. Typically, the turbine tower is constrained to this ground body. However, since a floater is generally not constrained to the ground, you must include the keyword
in the substructure file. This creates a constraint between the ground body and the floater, enabling the motion to be prescribed for the floating body. Its also possible to manually implement such a constraint via theSUBCONSTRAINTS
to prescribe the motion of the floater you can use a prescribed motion file, as detailed in the documentation.
By default, the prescribed motion file applies translation and rotation to the “ground body” within the simulation. Typically, the turbine tower is constrained to this ground body. However, since a floater is generally not constrained to the ground, you must include the keyword true CONSTRAINEDFLOATER
in the substructure file. This creates a constraint between the ground body and the floater, enabling the motion to be prescribed for the floating body. Its also possible to manually implement such a constraint via the SUBCONSTRAINTS