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Propeller analysis
Quote from bibooo on 17. July 2024, 16:35G’Day everyone!
My task is to make an analysis of an airfoil intended to be used on a UAV. As far as I am concerned, QBlade is designed to be used with HAWT and VAWT mostly. Is there any way to complete my analysis in QBlade? If yes, can one please provide a short guide on how to do so?
Thanks in advance!
G’Day everyone!
My task is to make an analysis of an airfoil intended to be used on a UAV. As far as I am concerned, QBlade is designed to be used with HAWT and VAWT mostly. Is there any way to complete my analysis in QBlade? If yes, can one please provide a short guide on how to do so?
Thanks in advance!
Quote from David on 17. July 2024, 23:22Hello,
as a first step you can change the mode to “PROP mode”, see here.
This enables youto use propeller specific optimization algorithms during blade design, and to perform steady state BEM analysis for propellers, including specific propeller metrics, such as advance ratio and propeller efficiency.
Later on you can also simulate your propeller in the time domain using Free Vortex Wake aerodynamics. However in this case you have to manually convert the variables from the wind energy context to the propeller context.
as a first step you can change the mode to “PROP mode”, see here.
This enables youto use propeller specific optimization algorithms during blade design, and to perform steady state BEM analysis for propellers, including specific propeller metrics, such as advance ratio and propeller efficiency.
Later on you can also simulate your propeller in the time domain using Free Vortex Wake aerodynamics. However in this case you have to manually convert the variables from the wind energy context to the propeller context.