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Question regarding Momentary Torque Coefficient (Old QBlade)
Quote from selvarajooSR on 30. October 2022, 11:21Hi Dr. Marten,
May I know how the Momentary Torque Coefficient (MTC) from QBlade 1.0 was calculated? I am able to derive the Averaged Torque Coefficient by backwards averaging the MTC by a single cycle. However, I’m unsure how the MTC is calculated by the all the blades of a VAWT
Hi Dr. Marten,
May I know how the Momentary Torque Coefficient (MTC) from QBlade 1.0 was calculated? I am able to derive the Averaged Torque Coefficient by backwards averaging the MTC by a single cycle. However, I’m unsure how the MTC is calculated by the all the blades of a VAWT
Quote from David on 2. November 2022, 12:29Hi,
the momentary torque coefficient is derived from the momentary power coefficient divided by the tip speed ratio. The momentary power coefficient is the ratio of momentary rotor torque times momentary angular frequency to the potential power within the wind inflow.
the momentary torque coefficient is derived from the momentary power coefficient divided by the tip speed ratio. The momentary power coefficient is the ratio of momentary rotor torque times momentary angular frequency to the potential power within the wind inflow.