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Seabed Stiffness vs Subconstraints definition at the .str file
Quote from fredoferdian on 19. October 2023, 16:04Hi all,
I tried to run a simulation for monopile, and evaluate the Fz reaction at the pile tip. I compared the Fz reaction when the Seabed Stiffness [N/m^3] parameters in the simulation parameter is really high vs really low, but seems like there is no difference in the Fz reaction.
Afterwards, I remove the DoF_tZ restrain at the subconstraint definition in the .str file, and put a massive value on the Seabed Stiffness parameter above. But now matter how much I put, seems like the turbine is not stable without this constraint. I wonder where this Seabed Stiffness value affect the results then?Any leads?
Hi all,
I tried to run a simulation for monopile, and evaluate the Fz reaction at the pile tip. I compared the Fz reaction when the Seabed Stiffness [N/m^3] parameters in the simulation parameter is really high vs really low, but seems like there is no difference in the Fz reaction.
Afterwards, I remove the DoF_tZ restrain at the subconstraint definition in the .str file, and put a massive value on the Seabed Stiffness parameter above. But now matter how much I put, seems like the turbine is not stable without this constraint. I wonder where this Seabed Stiffness value affect the results then?Any leads?
Quote from David on 20. October 2023, 11:37Hi Fredo,
the seabed stiffness model, and its parameters only affect the seabed interaction of mooring lines in QBlade.
If you aim to model the soil dynamics you can either use a distributed springs or a superelement approach, instead of the rigid constraint at the bottom of the monopile.
Checkout the IEA 15MW Monopile model in the Downloads section for an example on using distributed springs, or the section on Superelements in the documentation.
Hi Fredo,
the seabed stiffness model, and its parameters only affect the seabed interaction of mooring lines in QBlade.
If you aim to model the soil dynamics you can either use a distributed springs or a superelement approach, instead of the rigid constraint at the bottom of the monopile.
Checkout the IEA 15MW Monopile model in the Downloads section for an example on using distributed springs, or the section on Superelements in the documentation.
Quote from fredoferdian on 20. October 2023, 14:51Hi David,
Thank you for the clarification that seabed stiffness model and its parameters only affect the seabed interaction of mooring lines. It answered my question. Yes Indeed. I was looking at the same monopile example.
Hi David,
Thank you for the clarification that seabed stiffness model and its parameters only affect the seabed interaction of mooring lines. It answered my question. Yes Indeed. I was looking at the same monopile example.