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Setting up pitch control , how?


I am fairly new to QBlade and want to set up pitch control for the 5 MW NREL Turbine. What options do I have and wich pitch control would you recommend? How do I set it up?

Thanks in advance!




there are several way in QBlade to simulate pitch control:

1. Fixed pitch in steady state BEM analysis, or BEM turbine analysis: You can define a fixed pitch in any BEM simulation. Simulating across several windspeeds allows you to generate the steady state power curve for a turbine, influenced by the blade pitch.

2. Prescribed pitch: You can prscribe the blade pitch over time in a time domain simulation. This can be done by including a “Simulation Input File” with a simulation.

3. Including a turbine controller: If you have an aeroelastic definition of your turbine you can include a turbine controller with a time domain simulation. In this case the turbine controller will take over the blade pitch control to regulate power, and/or to reduce loads (individual pitch control, IPC).

4. Running QBlade in the Simulation in Loop Interface (SIL): Running QBlade in the SIL allows you to set the blade pitch based on a user defined function during the simulation.

I recommend checking out the documentation for detailed information on each of these approaches.




thanks for the answer, 3. is definitely the way how I want to set up the pitch control. I do have problems finding the parameter file to setup the controller though, I have read the documentation but still cant figure out where it is. Furthermore I am looking for a way to increase (or prevent the drop of) the aerodynamik thrust beyond the  rated windspeed of the 5MW NREL wind turbine, wich is 11.4 m/s . At windspeeds higher than 11.4 m/s the controller is pitching the blades so the power output stays at 5MW while the thrust is going down the higher the windspeed gets. Is it possible to edit the parameter file in a way where it prevents the thrust from going down, while still maintaining the 5 MW power output? If yes, how?

Thanks in advance!



Hi Gia,

you can explore a sample model, such as the NREL 5MW turbine, from the download section. These models already include the parameter file within the project file of QBlade.

You can edit the parameters in one of the following ways:

  1. When exporting a turbine in the ASCII .trb format, the parameter files can be found in the /Control folder. Before reimporting the .trb definition the parameter file can be edited.
  2. You can also directly edit the parameters in the Turbine Definition Dialog, see the documentation here, which shows the View/Edit Params. button. The parameter files (and the controllers) are typically part of the turbine definition and have been tuned by the turbine designers.

The controller libraries, which are not specific to a particular turbine definition, are located in the /ControllerFiles directory within the QBlade directory.

For the controllers QBlade just provides the interface and bundles the controller binaries, but the control algorithms and controllers have been developed by other researches independently. So you need to refer to literature on the ROSCO controller, BasicDTUController or alternatively create your own controller according to one of the common interfaces (BLADED or DTU) to reach your desired controller behavior.



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