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Simulation is running

The pyhton emulation program runs normally without errors.
However, the output remains constant at -1.

Even though I ran the sample file, the result is still the same error, outputting the constant -1

No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
Time: -1.00 Windspeed: 0.00 Torque: 0.0000e+00 RPM: -1.00 Pitch: 0.00 AoA at 85%: -1.00
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
Time: -1.00 Windspeed: 0.00 Torque: 0.0000e+00 RPM: -1.00 Pitch: 0.00 AoA at 85%: -1.00
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
Time: -1.00 Windspeed: 0.00 Torque: 0.0000e+00 RPM: -1.00 Pitch: 0.00 AoA at 85%: -1.00
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
No Simulation in the database! Aborting…
Time: -1.00 Windspeed: 0.00 Torque: 0.0000e+00 RPM: -1.00 Pitch: 0.00 AoA at 85%: -1.00
…storing QBlade Community Edition (CE) project file with versionnumber: 310013 ; Compressed Data Format: false ; Compressed Wake: false
File: “./NREL_5MW_Sample_completed.qpr” stored! 🙂
Closing the DLL instance: QCoreApplication(0x21b2364fb50)


as the output suggest the issue is: “No Simulation in the database!”.

You need to ensure that the “loadProject()” API function is directed to an existing QBlade project file (.qpr).

Best regards,


It is very helpful!Thank you for your reply.

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