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Some doubt on different velocity graphs

Dear David:

I would like to know the meaning of “Inflow Velocity (w/o Induction) Blade 1 [m/s]” and “Velocity induced from Wake Blade 1 [m/s]”. What is the difference between them? Do you have some illustration documents about these outputs?

Yours sincerely,



Hi Chen,

at each aerodynamic blade panel, the velocity (V_total) that is used to evaluate the angle of attack (AoA) and calculate the lift and drag forces is obtained from:

V_total = V_induced + V_motion + V_inflow

where V_induced is the velocity induced by the rotor wake at the position of the panel, V_inflow is the freestream wind velocity at the panels position and V_motion is the velocity contribution from the motion of the blade.

  • Inflow Velocity (w/o Induction) Blade 1 [m/s]: This is V_inflow in the equation above.
  • Velocity induced from Wake Blade 1 [m/s]: This is V_induced, the velocity induced from the rotor wake.



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