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The method for determining the natural frequency of the tower

Dear David,

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to inquire whether there is a method in the QBlade software to obtain the natural frequency of the tower.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Hi Camelia,

a Modal Analysis is available in the Enterprise Edition of QBlade (QBlade-EE) only, and not part of the publicly available QBlade-CE.

However, you could obtain the tower Eigenfrequencies from time domain simulations. You could either run a “normal” simulation of a wind turbine and check out the frequency content of sensors on the tower in the “All Data Spectral Graph”. Or even better, you could use an “External Loading File” to apply an impulsive load to the tower and checkout the time trace of the tower resonse.



Hi David,

Thank you very much. How do I use the model analysis functionality in QBlade EE? Is there a corresponding user manual available? Please translate the above text into English. Thank you.



Thank you for your response. I initially overlooked that the text in your reply was a link, but I have now found the corresponding instructions. Appreciate it again.

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