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VAWT along highway simulation

I would like to simulate a VAWT along a highway in QBlade. Can I simulate the wind at a certain distance from the system? The wind should not flow exactly onto the turbine, but like a passing car. Thank you and best regards


QBlade is a tool to model the performance and loads on wind turbines but its not a CFD software that can be used to simulate the inflow generated by passing cars.

To explore that aspect, you could use CFD software to simulate the wind created by moving cars. You could then use those results to estimate the power output of a VAWT, referencing to its Cp​ curve, which you can generate in QBlade.

The topic you’re planning to investigate is also quite controversial, to say the least—and I would expect the energy potential of wind generated by passing traffic to be relatively small, while safety concerns for turbines operating in close proximity to high-speed traffic remain high. In addition, extracting energy from moving vehicles could potentially increase aerodynamic drag, thereby raising fuel consumption.

That said, a detailed investigation will likely shed more light on these topics.



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