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vawt "blade" and "dms" modules

Total newbie here, plus way too many years out of college, please be kind. Just completed some basics on my first vawt and have a zillion questions, but here I ask only the following:

  1. In the blade design module the hub radius seems inaccessible. Is it set at 0.2m radius or something else? also, how does the “optimize” option work?
  2. Is there a user guide for the DMS module? If not, can someone help with the following: The rotor module has a Cp vs tip speed chart, It often goes negative at high tip speeds. My thinking is that for a self starting turbine Cp must be positive and high enough to overcome the various losses of the generator system, but when I get the power charts from the other two modules of DSM (Char dms and turbine dms), I see positive power at startup even when the turbine module gives startup tip speed high enough for the Cp to go negative. How can that be?
  3.  Attached please find my first model, processed up to the DMS module. ANY comments would be welcome.

Thanks in advance,

Demitri Economou

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