Are you an offshore wind turbine engineer looking for an efficient way to test your designs against varying wave conditions?
Did you know that QBlade features a built-in stand-alone wave generator? With just a few clicks, you can generate uni- or multi-directional waves for common spectra such as JONSWAP, ISSC, Torsethaugen, or Ochi-Hubble. Plus, you can even import your own spectra or decompose your own wave time series into its frequency content to reproduce experiments.
Wave spectra can be discretized using two methods – the equal frequency or equal energy method. And with our intuitive graphs, you can easily scan through the wavefield and find a design wave that perfectly matches your structure’s needs.
When you’re ready to apply any generated wave, you can export it as a timeseries, store its wave components, or directly use it within an offshore wind turbine simulation in QBlade.
Experience the power and ease of QBlade’s built-in wave generator for yourself. The free download is available here: https://qblade.org/downloads/
The Documentation is found here: https://docs.qblade.org/src/user/wavefield/wavefield.html