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Airfoil analysis error for propeller root aiefoil


I meet a problem when i use the airfoil analysis module,it can not analysis this airfoil named “section 0″,look at following pictures.

I’ll appreciate any advices.

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Hello mozha,

Xfoil can have issues converging for very “thick” airfoils. Also, I am not sure if the airfoil you want to analyze has a trailing edge gap (a little space between the last point of the suction ide and the last point of the pressure side)? The trailing edge gap can be added in QBlade’s airfoil module (see image) and is required by Xfoil to converge.



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sir,I have try your suggestion ,it worked.Very thank you.

Does every airfoil need trailing edge gap or just for thick airfoil?I didn’t use it for others thin airfoils because they can be analyzed without trailing edge gap



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Hi monzha,

even if Xfoil is converging without a TE gap it is recommended to have a TE gap for each airfoil that is analyzed. I suggest you rerun some of the polars with a TE gap and check if there is an influence in the data you created.



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