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Blade discretization issue

Hi David

The blade data on the blade design page is used to model the blade. The aerodynamic discretization of the fan definition interface here is discretization processing of the blade.

I want to know if the blade data is 40 panels and I set 20 panels here, where can I obtain the position distribution of the obtained 20 panels?

In addition, I would like to ask how linear discretization and cosine discretization will affect the results?

And is the calculation more accurate with more panels? thank you



Hi David

I would also like to ask you another question about the blade design interface, which can export the 3D blade file in stl format, and we can draw it into a complete rotor in the modeling software. Does the default exported blade’s Angle of attack correspond to the rated operating Angle of attack?



Hi Roby,

the blade is exported in the same coordinate system in which it is shown in the blade design module.

Typically, the blade is designed with a fixed pitch angle of zero degrees…



Hi David

Thank you for your answer. I mean if I divide the aerodynamic discrete linear or cosine into X segments, where can I get the segment data for X segments?



Hi Roby,

in the Aerodynamic Blade Graph you can plot aerodyamic panel quantities, such as AoA, Lift, Drag, etc. over the radial positions of the aerodynamic panel centers.



Hi David

I would like to ask, the center of the first cylinder is the control point of the first panel, then the control point of the second panel is placed on the quarter chord length of the airfoil?

Is the twist Angle rotation from the second panel always a quarter string length, instead of a Z-axis twist?

What if I calculate the X-coordinate of the second airfoil and it’s no longer zero?It’s right?



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Hi David

Are the leading edges parallel to the Z axis?

And why are the first two columns not the same Angle of attack? They also have different twist angles.

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Hi Roby,

the twist rotation is always performed around the local pitch axis.

The control points are located at the quarter chord position along the mid-line of the panel.

Regarding the leading edges are not necessarily paraleel to the z-axis, but their orientation depends on the chordlength and  IP and OOP offsets entered in the blade design dialog.

