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Export blade stl file

Hello David,

I am exporting troposkien VAWT blade stl file from QBlade to import it in PowerFLOW, for comparing mid and high fidelity CFD results. When I import, the origin of the stl file (0,0,0) is not the same as the origin in the software. It’s shifted by some value in x, y and z directions. I have an attached an image for this. Can you please tell me how to solve this issue? (Either export with correct value of origin or to find out the shift in x, y and z directions to do the opposite in PowerFLOW). Without this, I can only do hit and trial while translating in x, y and z directions in PowerFLOW.

Thank you



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Hi Shubam,

I had a look at the source and found that the geometry is shifted by 1m in the x-direction and 1m in the y-direction. I am not sure anymore what was the reason for this shift, but with this info you shoukd be able to correct it. I also saw that the coordinate system in which the blade is exported is different from the coordinate system that is shown in the blade design module. From the module 3D view z is exported as x, x is exported as y and y is exported as z. Ill align this with the next release so that it is consistent.



Thank you, David, for your reply.

In the context of bugs to improve in the next release, there is one more thing. I wanted to export streamwise velocity along a line in the lateral (perpendicular to the flow) direction to understand the development of VAWT wake, at different locations in the downstream direction. In the turbine aerodynamic visualization for LLFVW, I created a 2D plane and gave 0 length or 0 width to create a line. Then I simply exported the velocity values. I have attached 2 files at two different downstream locations, x = 0D and x = 1D. After 58th line, the exported velocity data is repeated multiple times, till the 2508th line. A similar issue happens if I create a line in the axial direction, to visualize the wake. It would be really helpful if these can be corrected in the next release.

Thank you



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Hi Shubam,

I think what you are seeing is the intended behavior.

If you want to export a line of points you should set the “X Res” or “Y Res” (resolution) parameter to 1, instead of (or in addition to) the “Width” parameter to 0.

What is being exported in the files is a line (Pos+Velocity) for each point, where the number of points is specified by “X Res” * “Y Res”. So if the “Width” is zero, but “Y Res” is larger than one the multiple points will be generated at the same position and these will also be exported leading to recurring lines in the export file.



Hello David,

Thank you for your reply. It makes sense now, whatever you mentioned.

I will share with you the paper as soon as it is online, on the AIAA proceedings page. I would be happy to get comments/suggestions from you.

