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Output from Substructure file
Quote from David on 16. June 2023, 19:27Hi Zhexin,
what is missing is the contribution from the “flooded” sections.
In the 9th colun of the SUBMEMBERS table you can assign a flooded cross sectional area (in m^2) to a member. If a member is flooded the corresponding water mass is added to the member. For the OC4 thats quite a significant contribution.
Hi Zhexin,
what is missing is the contribution from the “flooded” sections.
In the 9th colun of the SUBMEMBERS table you can assign a flooded cross sectional area (in m^2) to a member. If a member is flooded the corresponding water mass is added to the member. For the OC4 thats quite a significant contribution.
Quote from zhexinlyu on 18. June 2023, 12:47Hi David,
Do you mean that a flooded cross sectional area (in m^2) should be defined for ‘Upper_Column_flooded’ and ‘ Base_column_flooded’, I assume this refers to the ballast column. Furthermore, I am not sure how to calculate the flooded cross section area. I initially applied the formula for calculating the area of a circle, π*r^2, but the results seemed not good. The purple curve is Morison Method only, while the red one is the validated results from LPMD model.
What could be the possible cause for the difference? I look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Hi David,
Do you mean that a flooded cross sectional area (in m^2) should be defined for ‘Upper_Column_flooded’ and ‘ Base_column_flooded’, I assume this refers to the ballast column. Furthermore, I am not sure how to calculate the flooded cross section area. I initially applied the formula for calculating the area of a circle, π*r^2, but the results seemed not good. The purple curve is Morison Method only, while the red one is the validated results from LPMD model.
What could be the possible cause for the difference? I look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
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Quote from David on 19. June 2023, 11:56Hi Zhexin,
the total mass contributed by the flooded sections is m = area*member_length*water_density.
If a cross section is flooded the area could be calculated from the inner diameter of the member.
I have attached the substructure file of the model we used to the other question you asked in the forum, see:
Hi Zhexin,
the total mass contributed by the flooded sections is m = area*member_length*water_density.
If a cross section is flooded the area could be calculated from the inner diameter of the member.
I have attached the substructure file of the model we used to the other question you asked in the forum, see: