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Unit/decimal change question
Quote from KristianHVL on 9. February 2023, 13:57Hello, i’ve been searching for a way to change the units/decimals on my small rotor (radius=10cm). I have seen that others have asked the same question, but the answers given haven’t worked for me. I use version for Windows, but cant find a way to change units/decimals under any of the “options” drop down menues. Could someone help me solve my problem? See attached photo.
Best regards.
Hello, i’ve been searching for a way to change the units/decimals on my small rotor (radius=10cm). I have seen that others have asked the same question, but the answers given haven’t worked for me. I use version for Windows, but cant find a way to change units/decimals under any of the “options” drop down menues. Could someone help me solve my problem? See attached photo.
Best regards.
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Quote from David on 9. February 2023, 22:30Hi Kristian,
the option to change the units has been discarded, so this is not possible anymore – averything is defined in SI units now.
Could you let me know where exactly you are having issues with the decimal points not being accurate enough? I would guess it might be the blade design module? If you let me know I can add a decimal point at the required location with the next update. A quick workaround for now would be to export the blade into the .bla format and then change the blade stations in the text files (there wont be a limit with the decimal points you can use, thats an issue of the blade table only) and reimport them.
Hi Kristian,
the option to change the units has been discarded, so this is not possible anymore – averything is defined in SI units now.
Could you let me know where exactly you are having issues with the decimal points not being accurate enough? I would guess it might be the blade design module? If you let me know I can add a decimal point at the required location with the next update. A quick workaround for now would be to export the blade into the .bla format and then change the blade stations in the text files (there wont be a limit with the decimal points you can use, thats an issue of the blade table only) and reimport them.
Quote from ToddFerrante on 7. March 2023, 13:56I can second this request. Currently, the blade dimensions are displayed to 3 decimal places in meters, which is to 1mm resolution. If you export the blade table it gives 1 more decimal. For small UAV scale blades, it would be preferable if entering dimensions, displaying dimensions, and exporting dimensions all were to 5 decimal places in meters. Even more useful would be an option to work in the user interface in mm to 2 decimal places.
I can second this request. Currently, the blade dimensions are displayed to 3 decimal places in meters, which is to 1mm resolution. If you export the blade table it gives 1 more decimal. For small UAV scale blades, it would be preferable if entering dimensions, displaying dimensions, and exporting dimensions all were to 5 decimal places in meters. Even more useful would be an option to work in the user interface in mm to 2 decimal places.