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Validation Method for Simple Beam in Cross-flow

Hello QBlade Community,

My team is looking to create and validate the structural model of VAWT  in QBlade with other high-fidelity CAE/FSI methods. The first step is to validate QBlade’s FSI capabilities by creating a structural model of a stationary and non-rotating cylindrical pole constrained to the ground. The loads, strains and deflections outputted by QBlade would then be compared to analytical models for validation.

What would be the most straightforward way to create this model?

I thought of potentially creating a single-bladed VAWT with the blade profile being cylindrical, constraining its bottom surface with a strut, and implementing no rotation in the VAWT, basically creating a bottom-fixed beam in cross-flow.

Would this be the best way of doing so or is there another more accurate and straightforward way?

Any feedback or comments are greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Daniel Román

Hi Daniel,

in general, the structural model in QBlade is based on the Project::Chrono library, which itself has undergone rigurous validation already.

However, in order to facilitate your own validation, a simple way could be to define a turbine with tower only, and no blades. You could then add aerodynamic forces to the tower through the tower drag, or even add your own force timeseries to any part of the tower using an “External Loading File“.

