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What im doing wrong?

Hello, i need to make the best 250mm radius (max) turbine for contest. It has to generate best torque and power. Wind which is blowing is 4m/s. I designed some blades, and simulated them. But i have question. How to set simulation to 4m/s and see how much power it generates? There is window where i put my wind speed, its stock 12m/s so i set it to 4m/s. But operational point has two windows. What to type there? I dont know the rpm. My tip-speed-ratio should be same as i optimized it? Thanks!

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the RPM and the TSR are interdependent variables. For a given TSR and windspeed the RPM can be calculated. So if you have optimized your rotor for a TSR of 7 then the RPM shown in your dialog is correct. The reason why the RPM is so large is because your rotor is so small that it needs to rotate very fast to reach a tip speed of 84m/s (12m/s * TSR=7). By the way from the screenshot I can see that you are using an older version of QBlade (v0.96) and I would recommend you to update!

